Tuesday, February 9, 2010

A day in the life of...

Just some thoughts I've had and things that have happened to me on any givin' day here and I thought I should make note of them...

The other day while waiting for the bus I got hit in the face with water. They have a Holiday here called Carnival, right before Lent and for two days there are waters wars. Except people start early so it's most of the month. I guess I should count my lucky stars because in some places they throw flour and eggs. A friend of mine in France informed me the other day that they have the same Holiday but they feast and make pancakes. So I was thinking maybe people here really just want to make pancakes (although he could have been teasing me knowing I love pancakes, so I'm not sure how trust worthy the info is)!!!

After being hit by water I got on the bus and was sitting next to a lady whose hands were covered in dried blood. I stared at them. I didn't feel rude because people like to stare here. Maybe it's a combination of culture + me being white. So she slowly hid them behind her purse. I'll never know why washing blood off wasn't a priority to her but I still can't help but wonder.

Yesterday, I was on my way to my first Spanish lesson in the north of Quito. I had my big ol' backpack and was carrying a purse too (I had my day off so I had spent the night in the north, thus the reason I had all that junk with me). I got on the trolley. It soon became packed with people so I moved to the corner to try and keep from being robbed. Well I got kinda pushed over and only had my back to the window. Two women were practically on top of me. For some reason I felt my purse move in front of me so I moved it over and heard my stop and got off. Then I realized it wasn't my stop after all! So as I waited for the next trolley I discovered the hole in the side of my purse!!! I investigated and found nothing of importance missing! Praise God! But still rather unnerving. Then I continued on my way to my lessons with my "map" in hand. Well the directions weren't... uh how do I say this... correct (or I really can't read street signs). Either way I knew something wasn't right so I called and was told I was going the right way but had to keep on going on a bit. Well that was after 20 mins of what should have been 10 or less, and I was telling myself the whole time... "I'm sure it's just a few blocks more." So 45 mins later I got a taxi, to the wrong address and then had them come out and find me! My conclusion is I'm taking a stinkin' taxi from here on out!!!

So I've also come to the conclusion that children are like alcoholic beverages, best in small quantities if at all. Working with the boys I had last year changed my idea on having not ever having kids (I love them soooo much!) but I have to say working with mass amounts of children now has won me back over to the dark side. I don't know, maybe I'm just tired out from my "day of rest" yesterday.

I hate having to yell so that I can be heard in a room full of only 5 or 6 kids.

I hate when people tell me to be clam, because more than likely I wasn't really upset only wanted to know something with my usual fervor... but once they say that THEN I start getting upset. Not sure why the word "clam" tends to have the opposite effect on me.

I'm just going to start telling the taxi drivers I'm married, it's just easier that way.

I got told I was going on a date the other day, not asked. He didn't call though, told me that he didn't have mins on his phone. I hope that's always the case. Or else I'm always going to have to wash my hair or be extremely tired on the weekends for the next year.